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Here is a summary of this upcoming event.
Fallen Angels, A Choral Symphony, a musical work whose primary purpose is to evoke feelings of empathy, not sympathy, from listeners. Music has the power to do this in ways that mere words cannot achieve; the elusive common ground resides in the empathic feelings for those that have lost loved ones due to senseless gun violence and other acts of terrorism.
The world premiere performance of this work is scheduled by the Florida State University Orchestra and Choir in Tallahassee on April 11, 2024. The performance will take place in the Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, with seating for 1,172. It will be recorded and video taped, and uploaded to YouTube. Change can come from the evocation of empathy where little or none exists.
I seek assistance with a national PR initiative designed to enhance the national conversation on gun violence and terrorism. The primary goal is to engage viewers and listeners in streaming, TV, and government officials.
The ideal solution is PR firms and social justice organizations that embrace these issues and on a ProBono basis.
A full mock-up recording can be heard on YouTube at this link.
Steve Lebetkin, Composer
Website Since
Oct 2023
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