Business Planning
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We'd like to develop a thorough end-of-the-year fundraising strategy to support our operational and capacity building expenses. We have a unique situation where we need to raise funds without stepping on or overshadowing fundraising efforts in the communities that run our program (community programs are locally supported and require a different strategy). While there are several ways to approach fundraising, we're looking for advice on which avenues would be best for our situation, advice on how to approach those avenues, and any advice on how to prioritize those avenues to maximize ROI with limited resources.
BlueBridge Alliance, Inc.
Puyallup, WA
Website Since
Aug 2021
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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1-Hour Consultation
I'd like advice on the first steps of how to structure my non-profit. We're getting consulting work, so wondering how funds should be divided amongst the people helping. Various...
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1-Hour Consultation
Disease & Medical Research
During this consultation call, we are looking for advice on an integrated system that can support our participant management, event registration, and centralized data tracking...
View OpportunityTower Cancer Research Foundation
1-Hour Consultation
Accounting & Finance
Social Services
We are looking for a volunteer to provide basic advice on using QuickBooks for accounting and maintaining financial records.
View OpportunityFuture Hope Foundation