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Accounting & Finance

Community Development

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Accounting Accounting & Finance Financial Audit

Published Date

Posted March 07, 2025
Community Development

Tax Return Assistance

The Harvest Fund
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Help us strengthen our tax returns! We are looking for a volunteer tax professional to help us with an amendment to a prior tax return.

We are specifically seeking advice on how to reconcile a prior reporting of assets. The volunteer may help us determine the answer within 1 or 2 meetings. However, we would appreciate further help in the form of mentorship to our Zambia-based finance manager on complexities of the 990EZ.

We predict that this tax support could take anywhere from 3-10 hours to complete, depending on the volunteer's experience and ability to provide follow-on mentorship. After an initial call, we may be able to determine the exact length of the time required by the volunteer.

Through working on this project, the volunteer's time will help divert critical funds directly to our field work which supports some of the world's poorest and vulnerable populations. Additionally, should the volunteer continue to mentor our finance manager, they would be critical in transferring key knowledge. Our team loves professional development and we would be incredibly grateful for the volunteer's mentorship.

To prepare for this project, we already have the completed return that is ready for modification. We plan to implement the recommendations of this project immediately as soon as we can resolve the asset reporting issue.

The Harvest Fund


Washington, DC


Member Since

Nov 2019

Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships


The Harvest Fund's vision is to be an enterprise that builds the agricultural economy while eradicating poverty and promoting environmental sustainability. Our mission is to improve the livelihoods of Zambian female farming cooperatives. In Zambia and similar countries, women are the backbone of agriculture yet toil away with their bare hands and feet and basic tools. The Harvest Fund creates a profitable half-hectare vegetable plot for each of its 10+ cooperatives that is watered year-round with a solar-powered irrigation system. We provide seed, fertilizer, and regenerative agriculture training to make these women farmers more productive and permanently escape poverty.
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