Project Management
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Grant Reporting And Recording System Set Up
Our grants and the documentation are not properly supported or centralized and there is no one access to key information that will be needed to be accessed by auditors, funders, or state regulators. A good system of grant accounting and compliance would entail that all grant information be set up in a CRM like Salesforce. Then the grant should contain a grant ID and an accounting general ledger ID.
The project will help us keep our organization in operation. As of now, we are without operational support and such support we will have to temporarily shut our doors until such support is received. our mission is to help young people avoid the criminal justice system.
My team and I have access to the grants and some of its corresponding documentation.
Young New Yorkers
Brooklyn, NY
http://www.youngnewyorkers.orgMember Since
Sep 2022
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association