Website development
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Wix Website Administration Training
We need your training support to help us make the most of our website!
Our organization uses Wix for our website. While it can be user friendly, our staff would benefit from additional training to improve our use of it. We would love to have someone give us training on how to
-Add new pages
-Upload new content
-Find Registrants from a Previous Event
We do incredible work at our nonprofit and would love to be able to change the website more effectively to show this. We are eager to learn best practices and to feel more confident in making the changes ourselves.
Helping us better understand the ins and outs of our website will allow us to make sure our families are supported, information for medical professionals is up to date, and we can disseminate information quickly.
Our organization has identified the staff and board members who need to participate in this training. We have also developed a list of our top questions for using the website. Our volunteer will work directly with Necia Sabin Executive Director who will help schedule and coordinate the training.
Heterotaxy Connection
Eagle Mountain, UT
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Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association