Accounting & Finance
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Financial Management Best Practices and Training
We’re seeking a financial expert to help guide our new Treasurer, who is experienced but new to nonprofit finance. As a young nonprofit, we’d love advice on budgeting, financial analysis, and reporting to ensure compliance and transparency.
Your insights will help us establish sound financial practices, align with nonprofit standards, and build confidence in presenting our finances to funders and board members.
Sound financial management is critical to securing grants, managing resources, and demonstrating accountability to stakeholders. By improving our financial analysis and reporting, we’ll strengthen the foundation needed to sustain and expand our programs for refugees and migrants. Your expertise will help us operate effectively and inspire confidence in funders and donors.
Our Treasurer and Executive Director are fully engaged and ready to collaborate. We’ve already established a basic financial system, including access to QuickBooks, and have a clear understanding of our financial goals. This project will be supported by clear communication and a readiness to implement recommendations quickly.
New York, NY
http://www.Creshendo.orgMember Since
Jul 2024
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