Accounting & Finance
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QuickBooks Optimization
The goal for this project is to redesign the chart of accounts within our QuickBooks online to better align with our non-profit.
Through working with our organization on this project, the volunteer will support our mission by improving our ability to provide accurate financials in a format that grantors/donors/Board members want.
I will prepare for this project by working directly with the consultant to make sure we share the same expectations about the layout I need for our chart of accounts. Specifically we need help setting up expense categories in QuickBooks Online for a non-profit organization. With categories are like "Program," "Fundraising," and "Management & Administration" (or "General & Administrative"), which will align with the functional expense categories required on a Form 990, and can be best managed by utilizing the "Class" feature within QuickBooks to track expenses under each category.
Early Alert Canines
http://www.EarlyAlertCanines.orgMember Since
Mar 2018
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