Marketing Strategy
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Google Ads Optimization
We're seeking a volunteer to help us maximize our Google Ad Grant. This project will play a key role in our organization's ability to grow brand awareness and impact community members. This project may include the following activities:
-Help reactivate Google Ads account
-Development of our nonprofit's Google Ads strategy
-Training one or two staff members on how to update Google Ads and monitor their performance
-Setting up integration between Google Ads and Google Analytics
-Making recommendations for future search engine optimization or content management projects that will improve our Google Ads health
Our ideal volunteer has experience with Google Ads and/or search engine marketing and copywriting skills.
CASA puts on three amazing a cappella festivals a year and each volunteer team works hard to make sure the budget breaks even (to try to keep ticket prices low). It's a lot of work and we make a lot of sacrifices to ensure we can make this happen each year, but we all believe it's well worth it.
We think our marketing/advertising is our best opportunity to bring even more people to the festivals. Our current marketing really only gets people who already know about us or groups who have attended in the past, but we think many more groups and people would be interested in coming.
If we have more attendees, we can a) increase/improve our festival offerings, b) offer scholarships to students who otherwise couldn't afford to attend, and c) put some money back into the nonprofit savings account in case of a rainy day (COVID really hit us hard - we lost money from deposits and have only recently recovered from donations). We want to make sure our nonprofit offerings are sustainable in the long term.
To prepare, we have gained access to our Google Ads Grant account. We may share or create login credentials to our Google Ads space. In our first session together, we'll brief you on our marketing goals, as well as our mission/vision/purpose and issues we have had reactivating our account. Your training of our team members on Google Ads best practices will help ensure the long-term successful implementation of the great work you share with us.
Contemporary A Cappella Society of America
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