Board Development
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Board Operations and Infrastructure Advisement
Over the next 6-9 months, I, the Executive Director, am hoping to guide our board through the process of refining and clarifying its infrastructure. I am looking for a volunteer who is willing to thought-partner and provide guidance based on their past experience. I'm hoping someone would be willing to help chunk the transition into 6-9 week period to ensure achievable results.
Our organization currently has an exceptionally strong culture, rooted in an interesting history. Our infrastructure however does not matter and is a hinderance to ensuring our sustainability and flexibility. I've been with the organization for a year and a half, but have over 20 years experience working in educational settings, including nonprofits. This is an opportunity to guide a culture shift - never an easy task.
The current project is build upon the past year and half of work to organize and clean-up all operational elements - human resources, finances, etc. Based on solid foundation, we're ready to start strategically planning for our future. To successfully do so, we need to clarify how we internally operate.
Appalachian Institute for Creative Learning
http://appalachianinstitute.orgMember Since
Sep 2020
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