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Research Operational Funding Opportunities
We are seeking a volunteer with skills and experience identifying and securing grants to bolster operational support. More specifically, we are seeking support identifying and acquiring grant monies to fund a part-time executive assistant to assist with daily operations and travel with our founder who uses a wheelchair.
The Phoenix Empowered is a Rhode Island nonprofit which focuses on the intersection of identity and mental health via storytelling and education. We are very fortunate to travel across the Americas and provide training, consultation, and keynote addresses to underscore the ways in which identity-based harm impacts psychological wellbeing and must be considered in global mental health policy. We are seeking support to identify and acquire grant funding for an executive assistant position that can assist with operations to ensure communities are well supported and to provide travel support for our founder who uses a wheelchair. This person may also be able to take on creative storytelling projects, like our blog, to expand our reach
While we are able to partially fund this position, we are committed to funding to ensure equitable part-time compensation. Our staff continues to grow and we demonstrate ability to scale up our work and expand our reach.
The Phoenix Empowered
Member Since
Nov 2021
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LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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