Marketing Strategy
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Google Ads Optimization
We're seeking a volunteer to help us maximize our Google Ad Grant. This project will play a key role in our organization's ability to grow brand awareness and impact community members. This project may include the following activities:
-Development of or updates to our nonprofit's Google Ads strategy
-Training one or two staff members on how to update Google Ads and monitor their performance
-Setting up integration between Google Ads and Google Analytics
-Making recommendations for future search engine optimization or content management projects that will improve our Google Ads health
Our ideal volunteer has experience with Google Ads and/or search engine marketing and copywriting skills.
We've had access to Google for Nonprofits for a while now, but it has been so difficult to get it up and running. We need an expert who would be willing to either set things up for us or act as a coach to assist us with managing this space and exploiting its features, which we are in dire need of. We just don't have the time to figure it out on our own.
To prepare, we have activated Google Ads for our website and secured a Google Ad Grant award. We are prepared to share the login credentials to our Google Workspace. In our first session together, we'll brief you on our marketing goals, as well as our mission, vision, and purpose. Your training of our team members on Google Ads best practices will help ensure the long-term successful implementation of the great work you share with us.
Rebecca Everlene Trust Company
http://www.rebeccaeverlene.orgMember Since
May 2022
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