Grant writing/development
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Grant Writing for Nonprofit Serving Veterans & Recovery Community
We need someone with grant writing experience to help us obtain a grant/funding for our non-profit so we can acquire a physical location for our programs so we can better service the veterans and recovery community.
Our organization's mission is to build community through fitness and art. What we do is provide free fitness and art classes to veterans and the recovery community, whether it's mental health or substance misuse challenges. We have found that 80 percent of people who get and stay sober do not return back to that lifestyle when they feel connected to a community that understands and values them.
As someone with first-hand experience of addiction and trauma from combat in the Marines, I have found my purpose again and have been sober going on 6 years now. I owe that to the community I have found. 75 percent of all Americans do not participate in any physical activity, and close to 85 percent in the recovery community struggle with this as well. Barriers could be community, time, or financial. We want to remove that barrier by offering free fitness classes and providing evidence-based peer support to those in early recovery to help them achieve long-term recovery.
We also, offer free art and music classes to include a sober open mic night which gives veterans and the recovery community a space to express themselves through music, spoken word, and comedy in a safe space. With your help, we could have our own recovery gym that serves artists, veterans, and those in or seeking recovery from substances or mental health.
I will make time to make sure the plan is implemented. I am not sure what else you might need for this project but I can be contacted and respond quickly.
Athens Recovery Warriors, INC
Member Since
Jan 2024
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