Grant writing/development
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Grant Proposal Review
Our nonprofit is searching for a grant writer or talented copywriter to assist our team in reviewing a grant proposal and making updates. We will provide you with a copy and review the application draft with you. We'll align on expectations and agree on the project timeline.
Next, you'll review our document using the track changes function, checking for inconsistencies and continuity errors, and create a list of recommended changes to share with us. The project will conclude after up to two rounds of edits which the volunteer will make the agreed-upon changes to the document.
We plan to provide services for disabled people, such as coffee/tea parties, learning basic IT, and yoga in a local community centre once or twice a month. Grant funding will help make these services possible.
We have drafted a project and will provide you with the document that needs to be reviewed in an easily shareable format (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.). We'll also send you the proposal and application guidelines.
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association