Grant writing/development
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Grant Writing Support for Nonprofit Helping Refugees
We are a small nonprofit supporting refugees in launching and growing their businesses. As such, in order to grow our programs, we are in need of new funding sources but have limited staff capacity to increase the number of grants we pursue. We would like to partner with a volunteer interested in supporting us by either 1) helping us to research prospects from our large list of potentials, or 2) helping us to write a set of LOIs and/or concept notes.
This project is a priority for us as we intentionally focus our work on conflict-affected entrepreneurs, in Iraq and Colombia. As such, our work often takes place in environments that may be more challenging to operate within, resulting in increased costs and a smaller pool of viable donors. While these challenges exist, we see that the need for our work is large and growing. Being able to increase our fundraising output would be hugely helpful for us to be able to offer new or larger programs, potentially expand our work to additional countries and be able to ensure that we are meeting the needs of refugee and displaced entrepreneurs.
We have large prospect lists pulled from a variety of sources, as well as templates for LOIs, concept notes, and proposals. We have a strong MERL system in place for impact data, have research on hand for background/context, and have good example language to use in our materials.
Five One Labs
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Nov 2023
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