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Google Ad Grant Optimization
We have a Google Ad Grant and are in need of an expert who can guide us in using it. Our ideal volunteer will have experience with social media marketing and using Google Ad campaigns successfully. We'd prefer someone with nonprofit experience, but general Google Ad experience is fine too!
India Development and Relief Fund is an Indian-centric public charity based in the DC Metro area that has been funding 70-80 NGOs in India in multiple sectors. We're looking to leverage our Google Ad Grant to broaden our visibility to US donors.
The main project is to set up and run campaigns using Google Ads to attract donors to our website and social media. Once the campaigns are set and start bringing in more traffic, we're prepared to fine-tune them as needed.
India Development and Relief Fund Inc.
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association