Marketing Strategy
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Not the right fit for you? Sharing the opportunity with your network is a great form of advocacy!
Develop Messaging for Civic Engagement Nonprofit's Tech Platform
We're looking for a volunteer to help develop messaging that clearly explains our technology platform, which helps organizations build networks of their constituents, and the value it offers! These networks empower their constituents to encourage their family members, friends, and neighbors to take small but powerful actions, such as registering to vote, making a plan to vote, getting a library card, checking their credit scores, and getting qualified for government benefits.
We have a very innovative platform that can be used by a lot of nonprofits--now need help explaining its value to our potential partners! We'll incorporate the messaging into our website and marketing materials like one pagers, a pitch deck, and an explainer video.
We have a lot of documentation and can also do a walkthrough of the platform so you can see the platform in action. I can also make myself available to help onboard!
http://www.blockpower.voteMember Since
Sep 2020
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association