Grant writing/development
Relevant Skills
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Grant Proposal Review
We are actively seeking a dedicated grant writer or skilled copywriter to assist us in refining grant applications. As a disabled, woman, minority veteran-led organization, we qualify for multiple grants, your expertise will be instrumental in initiating applications, ensuring our ability to expand our impact.
With your invaluable support as a grant writer or copywriter, SEA WAVES can significantly amplify its impact on the military community. Your expertise will enable us to navigate the intricate world of grant applications, unlocking vital resources that directly contribute to our mission of aiding service members and their families in confronting eating disorders. SEA WAVES stands uniquely positioned to make a difference. By assisting with our grant proposals, you're not just assisting in securing funding; you're empowering us to expand our reach, enhance support services, and foster a healthier, more resilient military community. Your contribution directly invests in the well-being of those who have served and sacrificed for our nation. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of military service members dealing with eating disorders.
We have a dedicated team member for the project who will provide you with the document that needs to be reviewed in an easily shareable format (Google Docs, etc.).
https://www.FREEDfromED.orgMember Since
Jun 2023
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