Grant writing/development
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Grant Writing for Nonprofit Offering No-Cost English Tutoring to Immigrants & Refugees
Grant Writer needed to research and write grant proposals! We tutor English language skills at no cost to immigrants and refugees living in the USA for employment and self-sufficiency.
We tutor English to immigrants and refugees at no cost. 12,000 just entered the US. We need funds to continue our no-cost program. Members of the vast immigrant population in the United States who do not speak English are at a significant disadvantage in U.S. society— in the workplace, when purchasing a home, or even when navigating public transportation. ELL tutors provide the important skill of English proficiency to learners, and along with this language development, students gain a new cultural awareness that will assist them tremendously as they begin their lives in the U.S.
Our program has been awarded by CNN as one of its Top 10 Heroes; the Manhattan Institute awarded us as a Civil Society; Microsoft Corp awarded the director as one of three International Women in Technology.
We can supply samples of grant proposals successfully written and funds received. We have a number of foundations to be researched for eligibility to send a proposal.
English Language Learners In-Home Program
http://www.eslinhome.orgMember Since
Oct 2016
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