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Donor Outreach Support
As our Bay Area non profit Immersive Arts Alliance approaches "The Giving Season" (Thanksgiving through the Christmas holidays) we will be reaching out both to existing donors and also new donors for support. We are looking for 1-2 motivated and organized volunteers to work with the Exec. Director of IAA and with the VP of the IAA Board.
As correspondence is involved, excellent writing skills are wanted. You'll be given email templates to work with. If you are able to keep yourself organized and on deadline, we'd love to meet you.
This is part-time. You can fit it into your schedule. You will come out the other side with experience in one of the important aspects of what is called in the nonprofit world "development work," building relationships and trust with people who support our Mission and who want to help.
When the Giving Season campaign is complete and you are ready to move on, we can provide you with a strong letter of recommendation. You will have a job title (Outreach Coordinator) and also a company email while you work with us.
We track donations in several ways, which you will be given access to, including a CRM platform called PipeDrive. The Exec. Director has been with the organization since inception. The VP of the IAA Board has a marketing background and has run her own nonprofit organization. You will have guidance from us and contact with a small and able team. We can answer your questions and work with you for success.
Immersive Arts Alliance
Member Since
May 2023
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