Grant writing/development
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Grant Writing Support for STEAM Education Programs
Our STEAM/STEM Exchange Camp needs help in identifying and applying for a grant. The Camp consists of students from Ghana and the United States. We have a team on both ends who will be helping the students engage virtually from our three learning centers.
Expanding Boundaries International offers international and technological education to individuals who feel that such opportunities are beyond their reach. Our belief is that international education is everyone's right regardless of economic, social, or racial background. We would love to see international and tech education recognized as educational rights, not privileges, especially in our inner cities and developing countries. We want to live in a world where all students have the opportunity to capitalize on the advantages that cultural and technological exchanges offer.
The STEAM Exchange Program addresses these goals:
-Building strong foundations for STEM literacy
-Increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM
-Preparing the STEM workforce for the future
We have managed, with our little funding, to host two summer camps and continue to meet and teach our students weekly Zoom Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths activities. We need funding to enhance our curriculum, hire a permanent program director, buy supplies, and set up our STEAM learning hubs in Baltimore and Ghana.
We have data on the impact this program is offering to our students in the United States and Ghana. We have some potential grants list we are open to exploring and seeing if they are the right fit for our organization. The budget for the program is ready too.
Expanding Boundaries International
http://expandingboundaries.orgMember Since
Feb 2018
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