Public Relations
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Not the right fit for you? Sharing the opportunity with your network is a great form of advocacy!
Draft Letters for Indigenous Advocacy Outreach
This role will connect our mission with organizations and official agencies that have relevant and measurable influence on the outcomes of public policies. The volunteer will work directly with the Advocacy Manager to create important letter drafts that can be quickly and easily tailored between policymakers to ensure efficiency in time and outreach efforts.
Your work will be visited by millions, You would impact the lives of millions of people, improve their skills, help OLLAA reach their mission, support a good cause, be part of change-makers, and stand for and with human rights violation survivors.
You will be able to create and maintain a database for important outreach information of each addressee and be involved in the writing and publishing of news.
Oromo Legacy Leadership and Advocacy Association
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association