Board Development
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Board Recruitment Campaign Design
We would like to create a campaign to recruit more board members for our nonprofit. We need social entrepreneurs, educators, mental health professionals, grant writers, and legal professionals, including recent college graduates. Candidates should have an interest in youth development and grassroots nonprofits.
We are a grassroots nonprofit whose programming impacts children who have experienced violence, neglect or other forms of abuse. It builds resilience in them through movement and mindfulness. The pandemic caused us to lose volunteers and participants, including our board members. We need diligent, proactive, creative, and energized board members to reboot our nonprofit. Join us as we move into new spaces and grow our program!
We currently use VolunteerMatch and similar formats to recruit but have failed to get quality candidates. We are also using social media and word-of-mouth to recruit. In the meantime, the staff and Executive Director are moving forward with programming to keep things going.
Just Speak Inc.
http://www.justspeak.orgMember Since
Jun 2021
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association