Business Planning
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Fundraising Strategy Development
We are looking for a volunteer with Fundraising and Development experience to help us create a Fundraising Strategy plan for 2022 and 2023, including strategies for identifying and outreach to potential donors, specific goals to reach the fundraising target, and a calendar of activities. As a volunteer, you will:
1. Help generate new ideas and business opportunities to increase fundraising for Show and Heal
2. Research potential donors and foundations to identify and evaluate potential funding sources, monitor, report, and document all relevant activities, deadlines, and submissions
3. Support the Show and Heal Executive Director with creating fundraising materials including pitch decks, proposals, donor reports, and annual reports
As a volunteer, you will become instrumental in assisting us to increase our impact on youth in the realms of diversity education and mental health (learn about us: We've self-funded and progressed thankfully to interns since 2016 (first as a YouTube channel then nonprofit established in 2018). We are on a small scale, and truly to elevate to the next level, we are grateful for any support in executive coaching so we may fulfill our focus areas in strategic planning, board/leadership development, and program management.
We are a team of mental health counselors, social workers, teachers, nonprofit directors, grant writers, and other professionals in the field who will all provide input and supervision depending on the assignment.
Show and Heal
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association