HR Management
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HR Policies Update
After 7 years of volunteering to help families who have children with severe epilepsies, we are finally shifting to be paid staff! But, we need all the right policies in place first. Can you help us develop the policies we need to move us forward?
We are at a critical stage in building on the foundation we've laid. We have the skills and the relationships to do this work but our donors need to see that we are equipped to professionally manage & achieve this work with a professional team.
We have a stellar PT finance and operations director to help us ramp up and implement policies. We have done research on employee handbooks, COI policies, employment agreements, etc. but now need someone to help us craft the right ones for our organization!
International SCN8A Alliance
Website Since
May 2021
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
Nia Association