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Video editing
We are seeking a video editor available on an ongoing basis for occasional edits and projects; to help us create professional and compelling videos that we can use to engage with visitors and donors to our website and social media platforms. Videos we can use to tell the stories of the women and youth whose lives have been impacted by Ripples projects.
We are at a crucial point in our growth, where we are changing our messaging, updating our website and Social Media strategy to provide clear messaging where our beneficiaries’ stories validate the impact of Ripples' work.
Ideally, we will create a process of what we need for Ripples to continue to develop videos beyond this initial project.
Our Mission: Creating prosperity and a secured future for women
Ripples invests in the economic and social prosperity of the African village woman, with the goal of improving their quality of life and investing in their future. Our ultimate goal is to create prosperity for working African village women by giving them micro-finance and/or inputs and helping them set up their own sustainable businesses, save and invest in their own futures.
Our Mission: Creating prosperity and a secured future for women
Ripples Invests in the Economic and Social prosperity of the African village woman, with the goal of improving their quality of life and investing in their future. Our ultimate goal is to create prosperity for working African village women by giving them micro-finance and/or inputs and helping them set up their own sustainable businesses, save and invest in their own futures.
Ripples USA
Website Since
Sep 2017
Completed Taproot Plus Partnerships
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Portland Aquatic Club
LCMS K.I.S.S. Club (Parent Booster USA)
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